Free your kitchen from the infestation of small cockroaches.
Some knowledge and ideas to get rid of small cockroaches in your kitchen.
Every woman wants a clean, picture-perfect kitchen in their house. But there are some issues that make big obstacles. One of them is a small cockroach in the kitchen. as it creates a big mess for the kitchen. It can be seen beside the gas cylinder, in the pantry, inside the gas burner, inside the induction cooker, and sometimes in utensils. So it’s a big headache for you to totally remove it from your kitchen. Here are some tips given below that can help you get rid of small cockroaches from your loving kitchen.
1. Keep your kitchen clean at all times. Don’t allow food scraps on the gas table, sink, or floor.
2. Do not leave sticky food or utensils in your sink for extended periods of time.
3. Clean small appliances (mixture grinder, induction, OTG, fruit juicer, etc.) regularly.
4. Scrub down the interior and exterior parts of the gas oven and fridge regularly.
5. Wipe down the counter.
These are the general protocols to stay far from small cockroaches. But if you are already suffering from it, you have to take extra measures to get rid of it.
Some home remedies to free you from small cockroaches
There are some home remedies to get rid of small cockroaches and how to control small cockroach in kitchen
1. Clean your kitchen with a white vinegar solution. Spread the solution into the sink and kitchen drain so that it can’t enter into the kitchen. White vinegar works well as a disinfector.
2. Use neem extract. It is very effective for any type of pest removal. After 3 days of use, you can see the difference. You can spray the solution of neem oil and hot water in your kitchen. Or raw neem leaves also work the same way.
3. One of the most common spices in the kitchen is cinnamon. If you spread some cinnamon powder on the floor, slab or cabinet in your kitchen, you can get very good results. As cinnamon has a strong, deep essence, it prevents small cockroaches from breeding.
4. Boric acid and sugar work magically to kill small cockroaches in the kitchen. This trick has worked for a long time.
5. Cucumber: This healthy vegetable has a special advantage. Cockroaches can’t tolerate the smell of cucumber. So put a few slices of cucumber in various corners of your kitchen.
Overview: If you want your kitchen free from small cockroaches, you should follow those tips regularly. This will keep your kitchen clean as well as your body healthy.