What are the principal causes of spreading dengue?
Humans get the viral disease dengue (break-bone fever) through mosquitoes. The majority of dengue patients have no symptoms. However, for those who do, high temperature, headache, body pains, nausea, and rash are the most typical symptoms. The most of people recover within 1 to 2 weeks. Sometimes dengue patients might develop serious illnesses who need medical care in hospital. The symptoms of dengue fever might occasionally be mild and confused with those of the flu or another viral infection. Older children and adults typically experience more severe instances than younger children and those who have never had the virus previously.
What are the causes of Dengue?
Dengue fever can be brought on by any of the four dengue virus varieties. You won’t get dengue fever from being around someone who has it. In contrast, dengue fever is spread by mosquito bites.
The two mosquito species that carry dengue viruses most frequently are widespread in and around residential areas. When a dengue-infected person bites a mosquito, the dengue virus is transmitted to the mosquito. When a person is bitten by an infected mosquito, the virus then enters their circulation and causes an ailment.
Some tips to prevent mosquito bites:
Preventing mosquitoes from entering your home is the greatest way to protect yourself against mosquito bites there.
Keep the fly screens on your windows, doors, vents, and chimneys in excellent working order.
To get rid of mosquitoes, treat surfaces with insecticide both inside and outside the home.
Advice for infants and kids
Use grownup sprays mosquito repellant on a kid’s body.
Your youngster should wear clothes that cover their arms and legs.
Cover baby carriers with mosquito netting.
On all exposed skin, apply a strong insect repellent with either picaridin or diethyltoluamide (DEET).
if it’s available, use the air conditioning.
Stop mosquitoes from laying their eggs near water.
Items that store water, such as tyres, buckets, containers, toys, ponds, birdbaths, flowerpots, or garbage cans, should be emptied and scrubbed, turned over, covered, or thrown away once per week.
In and outside, look for water-holding containers.
Water storage tanks need to be totally sealed. Look for any gaps in the lids, covers, and intake pipes.
Install detachable screen mesh on all intake pipes and the outlet end of the overflow.
Make sure any containers used to collect water have screens or tight-fitting lids. When not in use, remove containers.
Dengue transmission is linked to urbanization via a number of social and environmental variables, including population density, human mobility, access to dependable water sources, water storage practices, etc. If you want to prevent mosquito breeding, take the help of any professional pest control management services. They provide the best treatments that reduce mosquito spreading from your surroundings and home. If we keep our environment clean then we can save ourselves and our families from mosquito-prone diseases like dengue, malaria and many more.